

Typography page.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

A very very long h2 heading that in all probability will and should overlap

A very very long h2 heading that in all probability will and should overlap

A very very long h2 heading that in all probability will and should overlap okay these things need a little more nudge I guess is it really

A very very long h2 heading that in all probability will and should overlap okay these things need a little more nudge I guess is it really

A very very long h2 heading that in all probability will and should overlap okay these things need a little more nudge I guess is it really
A very very long h2 heading that in all probability will and should overlap okay these things need a little more nudge I guess is it really


Text Styles

Bold Italic


inline code

multiline code block:

// Javascript
const markdownIt = require('markdown-it')
const markdownItAnchor = require('markdown-it-anchor')
const markdownItTOC = require('markdown-it-table-of-contents')

const options = {
    html: true

module.exports = config => {
    const mdlib = markdownIt(options)

    config.setLibrary('md', mdlib)

Ordered list

  1. Mercury
  2. Venus
  3. Earth
  4. Mars

Unordered list

  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Insert fruit here



Here is a footnote reference,[1] and another. [2]


  1. Here is the footnote. ↩︎

  2. Here's one with multiple blocks. Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they belong to the previous footnote. ↩︎